Monday, July 20, 2009

Life is a Gift.

Today I registered as a voter, ,finally. Its something I should have done long ago but I didn't because I couldn't be bothered previously.

But today, is the day. It's the day of the year where I celebrate the Life that has been given to me. It's also the day where, I hope the whole nation, mourns for the loss of someone to injustice. Today is Teoh Beng Hock's funeral day. I don't know him at all but I know the fight for injustice unites people of the same passion, whether it's fighting for the voiceless, the poor, the innocent or deaths without truth.

In the freedom I live, I remember those who lost theirs.

Anything with life in it can flourish only if it abandons itself to what lies beyond it, eventually to be lost as a separate being, though continuing to live on in relation to others. Life is inner power to reach and live "beyond".
- Dallas Willard, The Spirit of Disciplines.


Dave said...

after hearing so many bad news, i become a bit numbed to them already until i heard this one... maybe bcos of a baby boy just arrived in the family and his age is about mine, can't stop tears from falling. And then there's yasmin ahmad's departure... sigh.... and we need 'em more than ever now

enn@j said...

Hi hedonese,
It's been a long time. Be comforted my friend that God make all things beautiful in His time ;)
Stay strong in Christ. Let's journey together..