Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Silence can sometimes be the best form of communication...a 'healthy' silence - without anger, disappointments, bitterness or expectations but prayers with much love...

Silence doesn't mean I stop caring but merely I care in another way

Silence doesn't mean I distance myself for good but merely distance myself for a while so that the wounds would heal

Silence doesn't mean I forget but I remember even more in those moments of silence

Silence may seem cruel but the process of silence gives birth to discipline

Silence only works when one takes it seriously but lightly on oneself

In my own moments of silence,a decision I choose to make has taught me to love in ways I never did before - Loving in silence. Tough one there

Even at times, God may seem silent and distance but is He far away? Nop..Perhaps even nearer than one thought...

"One of the hardest things in life is to have words in your heart you cannot utter" - James Earl Jones

1 comment:

kiawin said...

Silence Dogood? :)